Saturday, November 19, 2011

Some reactions are involuntary - and no I am not talking about the breathing or Farting kind- but the kind that make you want to throw the remote at your husband when he stands right in front of the TV - of forgets to put the toilet seat down. ( yes there is a semi violent person suppressed somewhere in me) One such reaction I discovered recently -  when my very close friend from Perth paid me a surprise visit. There she was - unannounced at my door-10 pm on a Friday night- after I opened the door - all we did was hug and scream - OK it was more of squealing but I am going to take some writers liberty and make some age appropriate adjustments of calling it screaming !!!! With our jumping around squealing screaming we definitely managed to break Biju's ear drum and drowned any hopes of my lease being renewed!! 

SO... yes i know have been slack with my blog - you see I have been very busy Sleeping, lazing, doing nothing -  i mean working ( that's my story and I am sticking to it!!) Actually I have lot on my plate - you see I started a book club- population book club = 2 - don't snicker- its an invitation only club. ( we met a total of 3 times but I demand it be official book club!!) The success of the club was marred by the fact that we both were not on the same page - pun intended - below are the reading choices- I leave it up to you to decide which book I was reading ;)

If not book club - then weekends are hijacked by" loounndry"- I have no idea how two people can end up with such a mountain of it - i mean seriously !!

Actually this mountain of clothes reminds me of the following heap that greeted us at a friends place here in singapore - ofcource I don't have to say what the the photo screammms "BAchalor PAd!!!"

I also have finally joined a swimming class - i mean it has been on my to-do list for only...what ... 7 years ;). Now don't misunderstand; I WILL still drown - just that instead of a minute - it will take me 2-3 !! Here's a photo of me and the instructor - if you notice i am NOT in a swim suite cause i really liked the instructor and didn't want to scar him for life - or turn him off women.

Anywaayss - so if nothing else Singapore has made it mandatory for me to visit home every other month- any opportunity and I am on a flight. Recently my father organised a Family Get-together - i mean the BIG one - all under the  "Jadhav" family tree  were invited- It was crazy.... the good kind ( i mean there is not any other kind). So we all assembled at a resort and following are a few highlights of the what i discovered

1) I have 42 cousins !!!!! yes WT... 
2) there are freedom fighters- high up in my family tree and one of them was a teacher to Babasaheb Ambedkar 
3) One of my great grandparent ran away from home to marry outside our cast - so I can no longer tout that i was the pioneer of inter-religion marriage ( dammmn it!! - but none the less it proves that I was genetically programmed to do so !!)
4) Jadhav's are crazy - loud - in your face - talk over each other - talented bunch( again don't hate me - my characteristics were in my blood - I could not have turned out any other way !!- except for the talented part - I think that quality skipped my generation) 

Here are some very random photos from the event - the first one is of the current youngest Jadhav inaugurating the function with my father followed by some photos of my parents / my brother and sister - in law - true gem black and white photos of my great great grandparents and generation that followed( yes i know I laaab my family a lot).

I have to say though I cringed at EVERY photo of me from my teenage - WHAT was I thinking - I mean if you feel my "fashion sense " (or lack of it) is bad now - then you should have see those photos. And the worst of all - I am that annoying kid popping their head in EVERY photo - ugghhhhh I disgust me.

OK So I know I have bored you enough with my Family stuff so I am going to leave you with this one photo I took on a Taxi trip in Thailand. This is taking being "explicit" to a new level. Just incase you have lack of attention to detail - i am referring to the third sign from the left and if you notice it doesn't have a strike through it ;) i don't know what they are trying to encourage here !!!!
