Saturday, August 20, 2011

smacks and cuddles

Its funny how certain places/ sounds/ smells can trigger repressed memories- some of my childhood yaddein are so fuzzy that I am not sure if they really happened or did I just make them up all in my head( yes it’s a very well loved and practiced trait of mine – and no, I do not have imaginary friends – unfortunately even they don’t seem to like me much). 

Anyway so coming back to triggers – on my recent trip to Pune – I heard the smack –smack of someone dusting a carpet in their courtyard and that sound made me reach for my bum ( wait- wait – hold on to your fertile imagination) That smacking sound reminded me of the time when my mom smacked the bejezzes outta me right on the road till we reached home cause I went somewhere without telling her- yep – it was free for all- to watch drama being played out in my colony and till this date my brother and I do not dare to walk outta the house without telling my mom.

I am sure it doesn’t come as a surprise to you that I was a …emmm… handful child- so this wasn’t the first and last time that I got wacked on the road. The second showing happened due to my misplaced sense of fairness – A close friend of mine was invited to a function and I wasn’t- obviously this did not sit right with my kid sense of justice and equality  – so I took it unto myself to rectify the situation and invited myself to the programme and of course I did not stop there – I went and had a feast – mingled with the guest ( at age 9-10 my social skills/ etiquettes  were at their best – over the years obviously they have diminished to nothing). As the news of my “extracurricular” activities reached my mom- OHHH MYY GOWWDD- she was furious beyond ….. Actually I don’t even have words to describe the fury. Ohh ohh the hiding I received that day – phataakkkk phatttaakkk - even the memory makes it painful to sit down.

Fortunately or unfortunately these memories are followed by some happy memories of countless hugs and cuddles with a few dollops of piss-ur-pants laughter. I guess the ration of whacks to cuddles was quite ok - so there goes my chance of using my childhood as a a reason for my quirks ( dammmit).

My most distinct happy memories are from the time that my mom used to read stories to us. After my brother and I came home from school in the afternoon, had our lunch we used to all cuddle up in bed with the daily paper. My mom in the middle and us two on either side – she always had to look up straight and was never allowed to face either side as that would mean uneven show of love ( yep – that sense of fairness again). She used to read us Chintu ( equivalent of Garfield) and stories –we used to then discuss moral of the articles- make fun of each other and mostly talk over each other to make our point ( yep that habbit I definetly have carried into adulthood). That peaceful sleep that you get cuddled up to your mom – ohhh- sniff sniff. But moms are like that right – titanium coating and insides of pure marshmellow . To actually note the numerous acts of love and care here is obviously impossible but a few that just make my day even today:-

The endless chatter over a cup of chai – (yep that’s where the chai love affair started)

That special sabji in lunch box for Saturday – just because she knew how much I hated getting up early on a Saturday half day school

Hiding behind her pallu and coming into the house when baba made me stand outside the house for coming home later than my curfew

Being fed garam garam rice and dal by mom’s hands cause you had a crap day at school

Bandaids never healed the scrapes and bruises – it was always her kisses and hugs.

No need to say it – I already know know how much of a duhhhh I am and proud of it too ;) – anyway here is a recent photo of the two oommens with amma :)- i tried to straighten the photo but my technical handicap wouldn't allow it - so either twist your head or you laptop ;)

Monday, August 8, 2011

scratch my back too!!!

OMG!! it has finally happened- you know the stuff that you always know happens but feel - Ohh!! that would never happen to me <pompass smirk>. The revelation has come quite innocently too. A friend of mine ( yes - don't be surprised i do have some disillusioned souls that i somehow hang on to)- so anyways - this friend of mine commented on how long hair suited me better based on some old photos that he saw of me on facebook- blah blah. So I was thinking " i wonder how he looked in his younger days" - so I looked up his profile and lo-behold - i was blocked !!!! WT @##! i though. So you mean I show u mine and you don't show me yours !! so i scratch your back and you DON'T scratch mine - instead you slap my bottom (weather i like that or not is besides the point for now).

I know its idiotic to even consider in this day and age that facebook friends = real life friends- but you know me - drama queen and all - i love to live by my fantasies. And if my dis-illusionmnet is to be believed - i technically have 187 friends ( that # could very well be my weight but lets not digress). Not even half of that number would be an accurate depiction of the friends / acquaintances I have been in touch with over the last - forget months - year!! Am i embarrassed about it - well i would be lying if i said no - I mean who really likes to feel they aren't interesting / approachable / friendship-able ( yes - i know i totally made up that word - but who cares - not even half of you are going to read my blog and not even half of those are going to leave a comment - ehhem ehhem)

So to the voyeuristic lot of my "facebook friends" - i will soon have to face a very hard truth and count my blessing or friends in this matter and cull the rest - i might even end up with a single digit next to my friends count.

Sniff... if we don't virtually see each other again then I hope you know i will surely miss:-

1) your notes that you did NOT post on my wall

2) you comments on my photos and post that you thought and never wrote!!

3) your once a year "happy b'day anu - have a good one"

4) I will miss not having shared your funny / sad /irritating status updates and got to know you more ( and gossiped about you behind your back)

5) I will miss not seeing your photos - adding my stupid comments which will definitely have one of the following "awwww" "nice" "cute' "ohhhh..'( thinking of which i dont blame you for blocking me )

6)and most of all I will miss having missed the chance to be real life friends than just "facebook friends" ( i promise i am more friendable in real life - that's it -its an official word now that i have used it twice in a span of 5 mins)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

From Mars or Venus !!

How did I end up here ?!?! Ok wait, no-no I am not asking about how I was born!! That painful birds and bees conversation my parents attempted would have cost me a fortune in therapy but for the amazing power of denial !! – It never happened ;) How confusing was it at that age right !! – that secrecy and the explanation through metaphor and then the bloody Bollywood movies to confuse you- I kid you not at one time I used to think to make babies you had to sing a song in the garden and end it with a kiss – ohhh the innocence ;)

Anyway, before I digress more – let me come back to my despair quote – This is what I was thinking as I stood in the orchard shopping mall while Biju and another male friend of ours played “dress up” in the change room. It was perfect Sunday afternoon – perfect for a siesta that is (the greatest gift French gave the world). I mean I could very well have said no, how hard would it have been – just two alphabets – Naa ohhh!! But somehow I got sucked in to the loving wifely responsibilities and more importantly friendship responsibilities.  

Having gained and lost (mostly lost – I mean if you are reading this blog, you probably know me less than 6 months and can still tolerate me ;)) so many friends I think there are some unwritten rules of mate ship and one of them includes “ thy shall accompany ‘mate’ to shop fest”- actually a few more from the top of my head are: -

  •   thy will hug a friend when they need one – Even if they didn’t ask for it
  •   thy will slap a friend when they  need one – Even if they didn’t ask for it
  •   thy will not ask why they are calling at 2 in the morning – you will just rock up and help hide the evidence ;)
  •   thy will tell a friend when their ass looks big in that
  •   thy will give up Sunday afternoon for friends shopping spree –

sighhh…… and this exactly what I was doing. I know what you are thinking, I am a girl – how can I not like shopping (I probably have signed a petition to make it a national sport). But you see this was a “male- shopping” day – and idiot that I was I automatically assumed – it would be a wham bam thank you mam’ affair. Well I was proven wrong for the second time. You see I have very recently come across this truth -men secretly looove shopping and only put up a facade to live by some “man –code” and avoid being called “princess” by their male mates (more on that latter). I had to look in amazement and trust me I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eye – but they both actually went to each shelf in the shop – talked fashion - about colours and coordinating. At a certain point they discussed moving the shopping expedition to Zara and then to GAP– THEY KNEW NAMES!!! < insert jaw dropping expression here>- and were willing to look around rather than go and grab the first thing they saw!!!!! WTH was happening here – have I been away from civilisation for that long that I missed this amazing evolution in the Male DNA – are men also from freaking Venus?!!!

If you do not believe me just have look at this photo of a casual boys day out !!!