Monday, August 8, 2011

scratch my back too!!!

OMG!! it has finally happened- you know the stuff that you always know happens but feel - Ohh!! that would never happen to me <pompass smirk>. The revelation has come quite innocently too. A friend of mine ( yes - don't be surprised i do have some disillusioned souls that i somehow hang on to)- so anyways - this friend of mine commented on how long hair suited me better based on some old photos that he saw of me on facebook- blah blah. So I was thinking " i wonder how he looked in his younger days" - so I looked up his profile and lo-behold - i was blocked !!!! WT @##! i though. So you mean I show u mine and you don't show me yours !! so i scratch your back and you DON'T scratch mine - instead you slap my bottom (weather i like that or not is besides the point for now).

I know its idiotic to even consider in this day and age that facebook friends = real life friends- but you know me - drama queen and all - i love to live by my fantasies. And if my dis-illusionmnet is to be believed - i technically have 187 friends ( that # could very well be my weight but lets not digress). Not even half of that number would be an accurate depiction of the friends / acquaintances I have been in touch with over the last - forget months - year!! Am i embarrassed about it - well i would be lying if i said no - I mean who really likes to feel they aren't interesting / approachable / friendship-able ( yes - i know i totally made up that word - but who cares - not even half of you are going to read my blog and not even half of those are going to leave a comment - ehhem ehhem)

So to the voyeuristic lot of my "facebook friends" - i will soon have to face a very hard truth and count my blessing or friends in this matter and cull the rest - i might even end up with a single digit next to my friends count.

Sniff... if we don't virtually see each other again then I hope you know i will surely miss:-

1) your notes that you did NOT post on my wall

2) you comments on my photos and post that you thought and never wrote!!

3) your once a year "happy b'day anu - have a good one"

4) I will miss not having shared your funny / sad /irritating status updates and got to know you more ( and gossiped about you behind your back)

5) I will miss not seeing your photos - adding my stupid comments which will definitely have one of the following "awwww" "nice" "cute' "ohhhh..'( thinking of which i dont blame you for blocking me )

6)and most of all I will miss having missed the chance to be real life friends than just "facebook friends" ( i promise i am more friendable in real life - that's it -its an official word now that i have used it twice in a span of 5 mins)


  1. i know the feeling! if it's a friend, it's weird they have you blocked from their profile. I have a few select aunts and uncles blocked, but that's because i know they won't approve of my expanded vocabulary, if you know what i mean! here's to knowing your friends and k eeping friendships, even if they're a world away ;) love you, anu! ~jae

  2. Oohh ur potty mouth- if only I had the balls like u- love you even though u r not changing ur travel plans for me :p

  3. I wish I could, but we're missing Nevan's first week of school just to be there :( Plus it's the end of Ramadan, so we're going to be full up on family visits. If you were there that weekend before, I'd try my best to go down to SG, but you're going to be gooooone so who's not making any efforts here?! hahahaha I'm just kidding.

    Also, I don't have balls. I have massive, hormonal ovaries :) RAWR
