Saturday, June 18, 2011


So looks like people cannot make up their mind about it - From the worst thing evahhh to happen to the bestest the opinion is so divided one might think i was talking about brussel sprouts !!!! Well in less than few days I will be embracing the big 3 ohh and supposedly I should be either be getting ready to PARTaaYYY or ready for anti depressants.

I did the mistake of actually asking some I know about how they liked turning thirty.... well I had forgotten that the person has been in denial for the past 4 years of the fact and the response was..."thirty...what thirty!!" so I turned to trusty google. I did a troll of the web and search for turning 30 brought up

=>What to expect when you are 30 weeks PREGNANT!!! - that one I  soooo left alone, I will have a rant about it sometime later

=> Why are 30's end of your life :- no i am not kidding!!!!! this one left me feeling SO SO ancient and pre-historic, those anti depressants would have come handy! one of them actually had a help section on how to "COPE" with turning 30! WTF - Is this an illness/ handicap or some rash that i need to cope with !!

=>Why are 30's  DE BEST :- these ones were so sugary and used so many "positive" words one might have mistook it for a used car sales man pitch.

=>The in between:- these were probably people like me who were forced into thinking about it as a " event" when it should be like any other B'day filled with gifts from husband that you have been "hinting" not so subtly- way too much cake and even more food :).

After some deep thinking ( yes; supposedly now these episodes will increase with the turn of the decade) I concluded that I will have to "cross the bridge" when i come to it - probably in a wheel chair ;) if some of these blogs are to be believed. But having read up so much - 10 things  that I am supposed to expect to happen :-

1) I can now be allowed to say "in my times......
2) At a pub, I don't have to be afraid to say " the music is too loud......
3) Effect of gravity :- my body will have to give in to pull of mother natures gravity. I am ready for the turtle neck, crows feet and my boobs sliding down to my navel ( yes ...I went there)- As long as they don't reach my knees - I think i will count myself lucky.
4)Tick a new age group box
5) People will take me seriously now that i am thirty - (dunno about that one)
6) I can give in to those mid afternoon urge to nap
7) read all the self help books and nod along in agreement
8) Expect to give advise - even when not asked for!!! ( ahem ahem ..... i do that even now)
9) suffer "the look" for being thirty and childless - <gasp... gasp....tck tchk>
10) farting / burping in public will be "reasonable" given my "age"

Few things I do know for sure -  D day eve I will not be sulking nor will be going crazy. My twenties and I will be having a "down -memory - lane"- probably with a glass of wine ( yes, wine is supposed to emerge my best friend on the turn to the thirties). We will look at the 'EVENTFUL" decade that was - meeting my future husband, marrying him - TWICE ( no more jokes please - have heard them all), the travels, the friends - the dramas the laughs - the tears and everything in between. We will hug our good byes while thirty tugs at my dress beckoning me to start of a new decade .... I am sure its going to be even more exciting ......... herez to hoping!!

1 comment:

  1. 30's r the new twenties, my doll. you will love it. it's one helluva party. i've never regretted being this side of 30. :). big hugs.
