Monday, May 20, 2013

Putting my husband on E-Bay

he farts in his sleep, his snoring can wake the dead, he is obsessed about buying tonnes of underwear for himself and he manages to irritate the bejezez outta me by walking at tortoise pace even when we are in a hurry - yet I cannot IMAGINE life with any one else. Yes he is the romantic of the two of us but as we complete 10 years of married life today I am going to attempt "being mushy" by writing about 10 reasons why i laab my husband so much. Now yes, most of these make me sound like a B@#$# but who know by the time I finish this blog I would have thought of 100 reason why I don't love him and want to put him up on e-bay :P

1)He is always the first to say sorry :- ok, so yes, I am going on record and this will be the first and last time you will hear me say this but no matter how big or small the fight he will always be the first to make up and he is not precious about saying sorry ( even when its not his fault !!!)

2)He treats my Parents right:- I think for this reason alone he could be the best husband in the world!! although I gotta say that I hate it when they love him back equally - Yep a biiit juvenile but i am jealous

3)He says "I love you" for no reason :- Every once in a while i forget that even though i love my husband, saying the actual words makes a whole world of difference and Biju manages to surprise me time and again with this beautiful habit of his

4)He never forgets to tell me the food was nice:- I am definitely not Nigella Lawson (neither looks nor culinary abilities;)) my cooking has come a VERY long way since the first year of our marriage- and while any other person might have given up long time ago Biju has never ONCE forgotten to express appreciation for the "effort and love" behind making of the dinner rather than the final outcome itself - the poor guy has eaten charred rotis and a$$-burning-spicy curries without a peep of complaint

5)He always seduces me into writing stuff for him:- I absolutely love that Biju think I am the ultimate authority when it comes to grammar/ spellings( yes yes snicker all you like, but what do i care when my hubby thinks i Da-bomb :P)

6)He will let me try anything :- be it tattooing my body; para gliding; or even wanting to shave my head he has never denied me anything ( yes someday i am going to gather enough courage to go rouge and pull a demi moore - no no not the strip tease you perves :P)

7)He is an awesome Dad :-  poop nappies of a solids eating kid smell lethal -no less than "weapon of mass destruction" and yet he does not shy away from diaper duty - Aaliyah has the best father not just cause he takes care of her / sings to her/ dances with her but cause He love her more than he love me and I love him sooo much for that

8)He love to dance :- I have yet to meet a Ka-ra-zy dancer (the good kinds) who will rock a party like he does.

9)He never forgets to tell me I look beautiful :- when God was giving every one "metabolism" I was probably away some where stuffing my face so its not a surprise that I am on the "generous-circumference" category and to add to that pregnancy didn't favor me well. Yet my darling will say with a straight face and absolutely believable tone how beautiful he thinks I am- even when i am wearing baggy gym pants (sniff....)

10) He thinks the sun shines outta my bottom:- I wish I has a better way of expressing this but its hard to not love a husband who seeks your opinion from buying shirt to investment, who feels guilty going out with his friends without me (even when i don't ;) who will always msg if he is going to be late; who will give me tea in bed on his day off and most of all who will even after 10 years of marriage call on a busy day at work to tell me that he laabs me.

Yeah I haven't included the obvious ones of how he is kind, funny or has nice buns (as if his ego needs any more stroking ;)). 

And as if there isn't enough cheesy-ness going on here I am going to go overboard and end with this ohh-so-romantic <gag> photo of us from a few centuries ago < cue teeth decaying romantic music>

Thanks for putting up with me till the end- would love to hear what your list looks like :D.


  1. awwwwww!
    No comments. Just awwwww.
    Oh yeah, one comment. Awwww !!!

    1. :) hai na aww worthy for a non mush like me hehe

  2. mushy mushy indeed :) and rib tickling too...atleast got to know few more things about biju that we can use to pull his leg...but being the joker he is, it wouldnt even pull him one bit!! happy anniversary to you both!

  3. Congratulation's you guys on your 10th anniversary and as I read through the blog I understand that Aaliyah is also doing well, just for farting in those diappers after she eats that spicy solid food cooked by her loving MOM .... :-) Anu, where the great DAD Bijju takes care of it.

    It was a very nice Blog guys and I enjoyed and learned reading through it ... so keep it up.

    Anu you were a little wrong if you wrote this Blog urself as u made a silly spelling mistake on the below line i have pulled out ..... he he ..... just messing with u ... have a wonderful day.

    "I wish I has a better way of expressing this but its hard to not love a husband who seeks your opinion"

  4. Awwwww! awesome...very well written Anu...God bless you both and Aaliyah :)

  5. Awesome One!! Kudos to both of you!!

  6. Hi Anu. I am a friend of Biju's & I just want you to know that I simply loved this article :) It's truly wonderful. Amazing stuff. :D

    1. Ok coming from such a superb writer like you I am very very flattered :) thanks Aman

  7. I really had goose bums reading this arcticle.

    You are an awesome writter. God bless you n your family.

    Samir Shah

    1. Thanks samir :)- biju has been telling me so much about you guyz and how your "friends" journey is similar to ours ;) we are definitely due a chai and gupshup
